BasicThemeKit - Swift Package

SwiftUI Theme Kit

BasicThemeKit is a SwiftUI package that allows you to quickly format elements in your app around a common theme. All of the elements in the kit are made as a ViewModifier with an extension to View. This allows you to prototype quickly and maintain the readability of your code.


// H1 Header
Text("H1 Header String")
// H2 Header
Text("H2 Header String")

// H3 Header
Text("H3 Header String")

// H4 Header
Text("H4 Header String")

// Paragraph Styling
Text("This creates text formatted for a paragraph.")


// Primary Button
Button(action: {}) {
    Text("Primary Button")
        .h4() // You can use text styling on buttons too!

// Border Button
Button(action: {}) {
    Text("Border Button")

Block Quote

// Block Quote - Primary Styling
Text("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.")
    .blockQuote(style: .Primary)
Other Styles:
    - .Success
    - .Warning
    - .Error

Notification Banner

// Change the bool value to toggle display of the Notification banner.
@State var bannerVisible: Bool = false

ZStack {
    // All of your normal content in here.
.banner(title: "Test Banner", subtitle: "Test subtitle for this notifcation I am displaying. Cool right!", style: .Primary, isVisible: $bannerVisible)

// Banner will automatically hide after a few seconds. That is why the bool value is passed as a binding.
Other Styles:
    - .Success
    - .Warning
    - .Error


Install as a Swift Package using the link for this git repository.

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