Custom TabBar
Here's an easy quick tip for this week. Have you ever wanted to customize the TabView
's TabBar in SwiftUI? Don't reinvent the component from scratch. The method I show below simply uses the native TabView
in SwiftUI and overlays your custom TabBar component on top. Your component will handle the user taps and selections by passing them on to the native TabView
via its selection
parameter. See below for how it's done!
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struct RootView: View {
// Hold the state for which tab is active/selected
@State var selection: Int = 0
var body: some View {
// Your native TabView here
TabView(selection: $selection) {
.overlay( // Overlay the custom TabView component here
Color.white // Base color for Tab Bar
.frame(height: 50) // Match Height of native bar
.overlay(HStack {
// First Tab Button
Button(action: {
self.selection = 0
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 25, height: 25, alignment: .center)
.foregroundColor(Color(red: 32/255, green: 43/255, blue: 63/255))
.opacity(selection == 0 ? 1 : 0.4)
// Second Tab Button
Button(action: {
self.selection = 1
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 25, height: 25, alignment: .center)
.foregroundColor(Color(red: 32/255, green: 43/255, blue: 63/255))
.opacity(selection == 1 ? 1 : 0.4)
// Third Tab Button
Button(action: {
self.selection = 2
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "gear")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 25, height: 25, alignment: .center)
.foregroundColor(Color(red: 32/255, green: 43/255, blue: 63/255))
.opacity(selection == 2 ? 1 : 0.4)
,alignment: .bottom) // Align the overlay to bottom to ensure tab bar stays pinned.
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